You can not choose your character or palette, and you get one character change and two color palette changes. Upload new template Popular My FNaF Blank View All Meme Templates (1,000s more.
You could then choose either Nightmare Funtime Freddy or Toy Springtrap. FNaF Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. For generate name, click the button below. This generator will help you find the best option - Have a good use Male names. If you got Toy Springtrap but don't like that, then you can ask for a new one. Create you OC, or make a random one, and then youll get a FNAF game make your own fnaf animatronic by alfonso7000. Therefore, most of them sounds cool and unusual, because they are not associated with simple cute toys, but with frightening characters from the 'FNAF'. If you do not like The character or palette you were given, you have the option to change them. You could even write a story that includes that cgaracter, the mood of the story depending on the feel of your color palette (for example, gray and dull colors make you feel sad, so the story would be sad, while bright colors are more on the happy side)

Flipside: Draw the Animatronic like Freddy or OMC in FnaFworld. Since they’re are a few that are a bit different, I’ll explain them here. There are 2 different ones, one for the animatronic and one for the type. You'd then have to create a drawing, edit, or model of your version of a Molten Chica, using only colors from the Cherry Soda color palette. Random Character generators Since that whole randomised character trend started, I wanted to share these generators with you. Anyway, I included Fangames this time Characters, and Traits Ill pop in the Links riiiiiight here Traits. Say you got Molten Chica and 'Cherry Soda'. 2.0 (with Fangames) Dont worry, this will be the last one, i wont milk it as much as scott milks fnaf (jk).